
Course des Taleines

With all the recent travel, bad weather, and jet lag, my intention to stick to a training plan didn't get past the intention stage. Big surprise. But I saw a useful training tip Runner’s World. Five weeks before the half-marathon, to simulate race conditions, run the equivalent distance in kilometers (13.1) at race time-of-day and at race pace. Since Running Neighbor offered me a ride to Saturday’s 10.6K cross-country race, I decided to run it at half-marathon pace, then run an easy 15K at race time-of-day on this holiday Monday. Meeting my goal Saturday was rewarded by a 4th place finish (there were very few women runners!). Don’t know what I’ll do with my prize. Can I interest anyone in five free solarium sessions?

Gotta run…

1 comment:

becca said...

What are solarium sessions? Tanning beds?