
2011 One World Run Lausanne

I had lots to plan and prepare last week for Saturday’s One World Run to benefit Project AIDS Orphan. I borrowed flags to mark the course, contacted my helpers to tell them what their jobs would be, tested my homemade race bibs to see if they would hold up in the rain, and searched all my drawers for sets of four safety pins. Wednesday I ran the out and back course along the lake one last time to make sure everything was in order. Friday I baked cakes for prizes and made four gallons of pumpkin soup. Saturday morning I got up early and made four gallons of hot tea and heated the soup. We loaded up our van and drove down to Vidy to get set up. I needn’t have worried about rain because the weather was beautiful. The 30-odd runners started arriving and soon it was time to start the 5K. I shouted “à vos marques, prêts, partez” and they were off. Twenty minutes later the winner crossed the finish line, then the others started trickling in. Everyone hung around for tea, soup and prizes. It was so exciting to see neighbors, church friends, coworkers, family members, students, and even a few serious runners gather together for this good cause.

For a detailed account of the race and more pictures, check out the winner’s blog.

Gotta run...

1 comment:

Alain said...

Encore un grand merci Stephanie pour l'organisation impeccable ! Tu nous as permis de passer un moment très agréable tout en ayant, pour une fois, l'impression de courir pour quelque chose d'important.
J'avais des doutes sur les dossards, mais étonnamment, ils ont parfaitement résisté.