

I usually just skim anything in Runner’s World that talks about stretching and strengthening exercises. However, something in the Core Values article in the February issue caught my attention:

Self test
If you think your abs are steely strong, test yourself with this move. Get into a plank position with elbows, forearms, and toes on the ground and back flat. Hold the position and jump your feet out about 18 inches on either side, then jump them back together. That’s one rep. Do as many as you can without stopping.

0-19 Get moving
20-30 You’ve got good stability and core strength
31-49 You’re approaching bionic
50+ What, you train on a high wire?

Was I being challenged? I couldn’t just let it go.
I was satisfied with my 37 reps, but I’m going to try not to laugh or cough till the lactic acid evacuates.

Gotta run…

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